south 22 5G9A9021 Monterey Owen County hwy 127 KY 3-14 - old cedar baptist church.JPG
Monterey, Kentucky
south 10 IMG_1428 Phil Bartholomew Pierson FL 6-2010 dead orange trees.JPG
Burning Frozen Orange Trees - Pierson, Florida
south 84 5G9A8298 Anthony and Keith -Tybee Island shrimpers GA 6-15.JPG
Anthony and Keith, Shrimpers - Tybee Island, Georgia
south 13 5G9A7735 Maartha Thompson Canton MS 5-15.JPG
Martha, African American Cemetery - Canton, Mississippi
south 18 5G9A9170 Puckets Grocery Leipers Fork 6-12.JPG
Puckett's Grocery - Leiper's Fork, Tennessee
south 34 5G9A2150 Huntsville Brownsferr Rd and Moorseville Rd Madison Limestonen Co AL 11-15.JPG
Madison, Alabama
south 38 5G9A8717 Newlyweds Smokey Mtn Natl Park 6-15.JPG
Smokey Mountains National Park, North Carolina
south 42 5G9A8586 Anthony Hunter- Pickens SC 6-15.JPG
Anthony, Flea Market - Pickens, South Carolina
south 48 3E2A0024 Missouri at Tennessee Knoxville 11-22-14.JPG
University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Tennessee
south 51 DSC03584a Oaks day- Kentucky Derby weekend- Churchill Downs- Louisville 5-15.JPG
Kentucky Derby - Louisville, Kentucky
south 55 IMG_0444 Pastor Kelly Clem helps Harvest AL resident Felicia Moore shovel debris.JPG
Storm Cleanup - Harvest, Alabama
south 61 5G9A3978 Stones River Battlefield Murfreesboro TN 3-13.JPG
Stones River - Murfreesboro, Tennessee
south 68 IMG_2897 tobacco harvest- mcgees crossroads NC 10-10.JPG
McGee's Crossroads, North Carolina
south 79 DJI_0343 Paynes Prarie - Alachua County FL 9-24.JPG
Paynes Prairie - Alachua County, Florida
south 83 DSC05150 ky fans- sec tournament- nashville 3-16.JPG
Kentucky Wildcat Fans - Nashville, Tennessee
south 70 5G9A6866 Tom K Lac Alamo Donuts 19 N Court Street Alamo TN 38001 daughter Victoria 9-13.JPG
Tom and Victoria, Donut Shop - Alamo, Tennessee
south 77 5G9A7704 Tate Hardy Tire Philadelphia MS 5-15.JPG
Tate, Tire Shop - Philadelphia, Mississippi
south 80 1-0010 lone tree water cyprus AL horz - film.JPG
Ross Barnett Reservoir - Madison County, Mississippi
south 98 5G9A2084 Nick Davis Rd and Moorsville Rd Limestone Co AL 11-15.JPG
Limestone County, Alabama
south 97 5G9A7641 Reginique and mother Denielle Oliver Philadelphia MS 5-15.JPG
Reginique and Danielle - Philadelphia, Mississippi